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Hi peeps, My name is Tasreen.
I blow the candles off my cake on the 13th of September every year... I study in Secondary school which i totally hate!! This is my blog and if you have a prob with it, mind your own biz cos I don't care!!! YOUR PROFILE HERE.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Hey guys... I supposed to be writing something on current events going on in Southeast Asia. It is our social studies assignment. I'll be writing about Singapore winning bronze medal in Tchoukball. It was on today's newspaper. Singapore beat Britain 46-42 in the play off for third place. The Singapore team was delighted with their achievement. Jeff Ang, the team's coach, said that he was really proud as they were relatively new to the game. And, the best part is that, even though The Tchoukball Association of Singapore was just formed 3 years ago, they have already achieved a world ranking of 7th. Well of course they would have gotten 3rd place looking at how hard they had worked. "They had been working four times a week for the past two months," said their coach. And, the team's vice-captain, Ian Lim, said that they didn't think they could get that far but they worked hard... cool right? Well that's all I got. Bye:)

Mrs. Geek ended @ 3:56 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hey guys.. the last time I wrote was like before the June break started! Anyways, our school recently celebrated Racial Harmony Day an I'm supposed to be writing down my experience . Well to tell you the truth, I didn't really enjoy myself as much as I did last year. It's not all because of the activities but it's because we could not watch the performance live and we had to watch it in class on the screen as we had to avoid social gathering because of the H1N1 disease. Secondly, the activity held for the p5s & 6s - applying henna on your hand by yourself -was not really fun. It was quite a mess for me, so I did not apply any, which was not fair as some people really didn't want to do it so they ended up doing nothing at all. anyways the videos we watched in class were not half bad. First we watched the performance, which was on the different types of weddings in Singapore - the Chinese wedding, the Indian wedding, the Malay wedding, and the Christian wedding. To me, I found the the Christian wedding the best, performance wise. Otherwise, I liked the Chinese wedding as I really didn't know quite about it. And all thanks to our teachers who teamed up to demonstrate how these wedding ceremonies are performed. The part were they performed the Christian wedding was the best. Two teachers were the couple that was getting married and our principal, Mr. Tan, was the priest. The whole class had not noticed till our teacher Mrs. Azhar told us. The funniest part was that when Mr. Tan told Mr. Soh that he may kiss his bride and he just did a flying kiss. Then there was the part after the kiss where Mr.Tan started laughing but did not know that the camera was still on and he turned around and said, ' Oh god, the camera is still on!" That was hilarious. Then there was the food during recess... There were 2 majour problems. 1st, there was no more ice kachang left by the time I reached there. But that was my problem. And 2nd, there wasn't much variety of food. Oh wait and 3rd, we didn't get a 1 hr recess like we expected! Overall I'll say I didn't really enjoy it1 No offence to the organizers of the whole event! But I still got to learn a lot :)

Mrs. Geek ended @ 3:14 AM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hola frens...I'm supposed to be writing about kindness today! So what is kindness? Well i myself an not sure about that but I think it means helping others in their difficulties or simply, just be nice and polite to everyone... Many people think that it is not important to be kind as they think they aren't going to get anything out of it or get rewarded in anyway. Well not to be rude (for people who do that), it is just stupid thinking! Your reward should be that you feel proud of yourself for doing a good deed. there are many ways of showing kindness. An example would be giving up your seat in the bus or the MRT  to someone who needs it more than you. That's a very simple thing to do and I've done that before. i gave my seat to an old man who looked very weak and looked like he was having difficulties standing for a long time. So, I showed my kindness and i gave up my seat. And guess what, I felt great at the end of the day as it was something to be proud of. I'm sure the old man must have been really grateful to me and must have thought I was a really good girl. anyways, my point is that showing the act of kindness should be done by heart and not just because you'll be getting something out of it!
     Got to go now, Bey!

Mrs. Geek ended @ 2:31 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Oral examination

Hi every one...! I am going to write about my oral examination which i just had yesterday. Usually, I love sitting for oral examinations because I love to talk but the problem is that it is after school hours. Since my index number is 11, I always go first which is why i only have to stay back after school for 15 minutes. And because of that, I even missed my school bus because of that and I had to wait until 3.30 for the CCA bus.Can you believe that? From 1.15 all the way to 3.30... Anyways the oral examination went smoothly and i have a feeling i did very well :D There were three sections, the reading, the picture description, and the conversation-which is the best part... Do you know why I feel I have done well for my oral? Because the examiner was grinning from ear to ear when I left the hall (we are always tested in the school hall). Now i just hope that I do just as well for my other examinations. Sometimes I wish the only examinations were oral... impossible:( Anyways many people think oral is not really important but it is... Oh got to go now... Time for recess! My favourite part of school:D

Mrs. Geek ended @ 7:07 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey everyone!! Today I'm going to talk to you about International Friendship Day as a part of my school journal. This year's theme for International Friendship Day was 'ASEAN.' Do you know how International Friendship Day came about? The tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends first began in The United States. In 1935, the United States Congress, proclaimed the first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day. Since then the celebration of International Friendship Day became an annual event. Soon International Friendship Day became a hugely popular festival. Following the popularity and success of Friendship Day, several other countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends. Today International Friendship Day is celebrated in several countries around the world. And, in 1997 The United Nations named "Winnie- the Pooh as Ambassador of Friendship. Do you  know what 'ASEAN' stands for?... Well it stands for 'Association of SouthEast Asian Nations.' Well you know, I was asked to play this game about getting to know ASEAN by my teacher to see how much I knew about ASEAN. I found out I know nothing or very little... Last week our school had a concert about International Friendship Day. To tell you the truth, I didn't quite enjoy it as a concert is usually a play but last week a Indonesian lady was invited to tell us about Indonesia. It was good to know about another country other than Singapore, but it was quite boring... not to be rude. I think the school should have organised activities that could teach and at the same time were fun... Bye have to go:)

Mrs. Geek ended @ 2:57 AM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi everyone!! Have you heard about the "Earth Hour" thing. I'm suppose to write about it as a class journal. This year Singapore is joining in to make a difference too.So what is this earth hour all about?? Well, earth hour is an annual international event created by the WWFN (World Wide Fund for Nature) that asks households and businesses to turn off non-essential lights and electric appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.It first started in Australia, Sydney. This year it will be held on the 28th of March... Well I don't know what people will be doing during earth hour-in the dark but me and my brother are going to play hide and seek..! It is much easier to hide in the dark...SPOOKY!!
Anyways whoever stater this earth hour thing thought big and I'm pretty sure it has something to do global warming... I really think we can play a better part not only by participating on the 28th of March but also by not polluting the earth. That is also one of the BIGGEST problems earth is facing righ now... I guess people don't know the consequences of global warming!

I need to go now. Have Fun... Seeya!:)

Mrs. Geek ended @ 4:20 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hi everyone... I'm back to type!I'm in school and my teacher has told everyone in class to write on passion for learning. It is our school value of the month. Well, passion for learning is really important as without it, you won't be able to do well in your studies or other stuff. I won't say that without it you won't be able to do do well, what i mean is that if you don't have passion for learning you won't want to learn... which is very bad:(!! i know two people that have a lot of passion for learning, and they are my parents. Even though they are now parents of two children, they are always looking forward yo learning something new. You know what they say, no matter how old you might be getting, you never stop learning!! Well I think I have passion for learning as I too am always looking forward to learning new things! I don't know how to tell I have passion for learning but I know I do... So em... I'll see you next week ! Bye!!! :)

Mrs. Geek ended @ 6:05 PM